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Chris Walker


Eng. 111


My facts that I found and thoughts of George Orwell

By: George Orwell



     George Orwell was born in June 25, 1903 in Motihari, India. He died January 21, 1950, London, United Kingdom his full name was Eric Arthur Blair, is novels even impressed people like, Aldous Huxley, Charles Dickens, and H. G. Wells. The most famous two novels that he wrote in the 20th century was “Animal Farm” and “Nineteen Eighty-Four” Orwell even wrote person who was named “Big brother” is a fictional a person below George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four and what he’s afraid what society or what the government might do, Which keeps talking on like it may wind up where government official or even government related issue with take over people’s lives to where the government will take over people’s lives and of the worst slavery were government officials everything dictatorship. You big brothers of the deadly dictatorship on how control in the minds of the mass on the giving you power beyond all the power it can drive a good man to go mad.


            Animal Farm was always a form to write and show people why the government was really doing without endangering himself by using politics as animals. Since the politics or government officials thought animals as politics he was able to get people to think more political books. He started writing books after his last mission as an Imperial soldier which he wrote about which was shooting an elephant work he describes what happened to him out there on the field upon his first day and how he had lived his life to try to gain their trust or try to understand, like all of us where we want to wear a mask in front of the people to show that we don’t mean horror but at the same time where we can blend in. In then one day an elephant he escaped his cage and went on a rampage, yes there are many explanations of why this elephant went on a rampage, but I’m here to talk about the elephant in as Orwell tries to look at this elephant he finds a villager man trampled allover and he doesn’t look like he’s getting up so Orwell sent his horse with a note to go get his gun upon the horses arrival was a bag on the back, and people all see what was going and what you lower the see that he has this giant elephant gun. The elephant he was just want to keep some safekeeping this is a time for after all.


            One of the villagers after seen the gun assumed that he was going to go shoot the elephant. After the few hours or so world finally finds this elephant he sees that and has come down to pound of fresh grass clean water and it calmed down. After Orwell saw that is just lonely long walk away, but after looking around starkness he at the villagers were all around him watching see what he was going to do to the elephant as if they are ready to watch a play. Orwell getting ready his gun and the people silent after a while he sees his cell thanks to himself “if I miss he may charge at me and I am in no good position and get away.” So we went prone (laying on your belly) and he gets ready to take the shot the elephant. Which after seeing the gun and the bullet grazed the elephant’s forehead Orwell not know it was going to happen with the elephant after the shot wants to be closer and he noticed that the elephant’s staggered fell to the ground. Not wanting to make the elephant suffer he went over me shadow a lot of bulletin to the elephant’s heart or for he thought the heart was, and finally the elephant stopped breath, and Orwell walked away which then the villagers charged after the elephant and pick it clean. Oh Course over the years he said he never did like imperialism that much, but with this events it used help it grow even further to where he basically hated it permanently.


            DJ Tyler you try to profile on George Orwell a.k.a. Erica Blair. He goes on and use different tactics and strategies to understand and find out more about George. George Orwell used his writing to help expose lives and help us to open your eyes and see what the government was really doing behind the current. There’s times where George would go out in public and handoff some of his work, we would disguise himself so that nobody knew who he was. Even though he was rich he went act like a poor person. Even with all the achievements that Orwell got he never really thought of himself as a success. Orwell part in a game is called wall soccer and we know that he scored a goal but it was now evidence or proof, of health scoring or even participating in dance festivities. It is in the eastern police force and though he worked with him he was under imperialism don’t even deeper because on the city to her to understand imperialism or to even hate it you got the right smack dab in the middle of it.


     Even though Eric Blair is George Orwell we can easily find him through his Orwell name photos, but nothing really about Eric Blair guess they are the same man same person might if you were to try to find anything only way to find Eric what he be using George Orwell. George Orwell is a very very mysterious person. Even with everything that DJ Tyler found he to barely found anything. Now I’m not saying he found nothing, he actually found all more than expected but by re-watching each part it was as if he found nothing at all. Even one the guys who helped research on George Orwell said “that he found more than what we did.” “At they didn’t even look nor bother of looking.”


Work Cited


Shmoop Editorial Team. "Animal Farm Quotes." Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 30 Apr. 2015. <>


Wales, Jimmy. "George Orwell." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 5 July 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2015.<>


Wales, Jimmy. "Nineteen Eighty-Four." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 5 July 2012. Web. 28 Apr. 2015.<>


Inc., Jalic. "Shooting an Elephant." By George Orwell. 28 Apr. 2000. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. <>


Egregious, Dave. "The Real George Orwell." YouTube. YouTube, 20 Apr. 2003. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. <>


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